Our first glance of you!
Our Dear Graci Kate,
Three years ago today, you walked into a room and turned our lives upside down! We were mesmerized with your sparkling eyes, beautiful smile, confident walk and air of strength. What we didn’t know at the time was that you were hurting and scared and torn between two families who loved you. We didn’t know what you had gone through that day, saying goodbye to your “China family” who adored you and had taken care of you for four years. We didn’t know your fears, your desires, and what made you tick.
Here we are, three years later and so deeply in love with you! We know what makes you laugh, we know what makes you cry. We know when you hurt, we know when you are bursting with joy. We know your strengths and your weaknesses. We know your dozens of cute little quirks. (; We know how you look all made-up and how you look first thing in the morning— and you are perfectly gorgeous either way!
We are so grateful to KNOW you.
Happy “Gotcha Day,” our sweet little girl. You have enriched our lives in ways we can’t express. You are a beacon of courage, beauty, and grace. Your name fits you so well.
We love you.