1. Written a thank you to a friend
2. Played dolls with Sophi
3. Made my family chocolate chip waffles
4. Reviewed spelling words with Xander
5. Had Sophi practice Spanish
6. Changed Elli's sheets
7. Trained for my *marathon
8. Made Elli's bus drivers feel beautiful
9. Had 3 clean loads of laundry ready to put away
10. Scrubbed the toilet
11. Done some deep cleaning
12. Given myself a facial
13. Completed Xander's physical therapy
14. Made dinner plans for tonight
15. Washed some windows
16. Done some light reading
17. Taken out the trash
18. Done some handyman work
19. Built extended family relations
20. Blogged
1. Via text
2. For about one minute
3. Eggo
4. As he was running out the door, I asked him to spell the three words I remembered from his list.
5. Dora
6. Out of pure necessity
7. Ran around the house trying to get 7 kids out the door on time
*marathon-- when we add two more kids to the brood
8. By walking out there in my p.j.'s, messy hair, and no make-up
9. Delivered this morning by my laundry fairy
10. Again, out of pure necessity
11. Straightened the cereal in the pantry
12. As I opened the dishwasher
13. Held his hand and walked up and down the hallway one time to practice not limping
14. Picked a restaurant for date night
15. Because I realized as I walked outside, it was not nearly as hazy as I had originally thought while looking out my kitchen window.
16. On the newly cleaned toilet
17. Set it on the porch for my boys to take care of
18. Changed batteries in a toy
19. Emailed my sister
20. (: