1. Though having a child who qualifies for a wish from Make-a-Wish is certainly not something anyone wishes for, there are definite blessings that come with it! Besides the amazing process of going through the wish granting process (you can read more about that if you click on Make-a-Wish under the Labels menu on the left sidebar) the child continues to be a "Wish Kid." This means for five years following their wish, they are invited (along with their families) to Make-a-Wish events. A couple of weeks ago, we were invited to "Pet a Shark Night" at a local aquarium. It was so much fun. Besides getting to pet real baby sharks, the kids got to enjoy the whole aquarium and a nice dinner from Chick-fil-a. It was such a fun, FREE evening!
2. Graci looked pretty cute for her dance pictures! Now I just need
to get photos of her without her braces-- her smile is stunning!
Jeremy came in the other day and said, "You'll never guess what was
sitting on top of our mail." He proceeded to hand me the mail-- which
had a snail sitting on top of it. I was on the phone with my sister,
Leslie, when it happened. As I told her, she quickly replied, "Oh...
you got literal snail mail!" Ha.

4. The house is
looking absolutely AMAZING!!!!!! I meant to take pictures today but
forgot--- we PROMISE we'll take some tomorrow and get them posted. It's
just beyond incredible. We are having the time of our lives with this
whole process. Ok, so this is a fun coincidence. Right as I was
typing that, Jeremy called me from the property. He took a little jog
there tonight to get some exercise. I wish that all of you who have
contributed to this project in any way could have heard the emotion in
his voice as he said, "How is this happening? This is just so so
amazing. It's just so beautiful here!" Ah... we are so blessed! We
still have quite a way to go with the financing end, but have faith that
God is in those details.
5. When you have lots of
kids, you get lots of Mother's Day gifts. (: I'm still waiting on
Graci's and Parker's (they are apparently working very hard on
something) but I'll post pics of the others:
homemade journal from Xander
Jesi had been given "puppy chow" at a birthday party. I told her how much I loved it, so she saved it for me. (;
From Jesi: I asked her what the rice was for and she said, "Oh, the flowers were in a little pot of rice but they kept getting off balance so I just put it all in a baggie. Wasn't that smart of me?"
Sophi "gave" me these babies (who incidentally were not hers to give)
This is the real me. Jesi crowned me queen. I think I should enter a pageant. (: