Friday, May 11, 2012

That Explains Some Things...

I was getting into our 12-passenger van when I felt a little hand come over the back of my seat.  I reached up and found a candy wrapper sitting on my shoulder.  Glancing around, I saw that it was Lexi.

"What was that for, Lex?"  I asked.

"I'm done with it."

"Well I don't want your garbage."

"Then just drop it on the ground!"

Perhaps this is contributing to the often challenging task of keeping our house in order.  As I thought more about it, I realized that a wrapper on the floor really wouldn't be that offensive to a blind person.  Now, a big pile of toys on the other hand...

1 comment:

  1. I was so tired of everything going on the floor in my car so I bought a small trashcan from the dollar store and a bag of plastic liners as well. I keep the liners in the bottom underneath one bag that is in it. That way when I empty the bag the new ones are underneath. It does help and the kids learn to throw their trash in there. Just if I forget to put it back in or someone takes it out..then we have a problem!

    Kim O


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