Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Come Unto Me...

If it seems like deja vu when you go to church on Sunday, it's because you've heard the lesson before.  The same basic messages are repeated in sermons all over the world.  Love God.  Love your neighbor. Confess your sins and accept Christ as your Savior.  Why all the repetition?  Because it takes a lifetime to learn many of the lessons.

I had one of those "I've-read-this-a-hundred-times-so-why-does-it-seem-so-new-this-time" experiences yesterday.  I had been whining to Christi about some of the responsibilities we have.  I was primarily focused on some of the many things that being a Christian requires of us.  It's not always easy!  But as I read the scriptures I came across this passage from Matthew 11:

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.  For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."

What a moment to reread this message.  I felt like it had been written just for me.  "Take my yoke upon you."  In other words, do the things He's asked me to do.  (Quit whining and just do them!)  And what will happen if I do try to shoulder the burdens He has called me to bear?  I will find rest unto my soul.  For His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  I pray that I will have enough faith to always shoulder His yoke.  That I will push through the challenging times knowing that in the end He will give me rest.



  1. I was struck by that very same verse lately! The part that got me was 'labour'. We must all be about helping ourselves. Don't wait around for a handout. Only go for help once you've tried to help yourself.

  2. We had a lesson on this a few weeks ago and discussed the fact that a yoke is used to make two oxen work together, so by taking on His yoke, you are actually agreeing to work side-by-side with Christ, not simply delve into all this work all by yourself. It's amazing and exciting how much discussion can come out of one scripture.


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