Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Angels Among Us

This morning Christi and I had a hold-each-other-cry-together-it'll-all-be-ok moment.  Or few moments.  Cali is doing almost unbelievably well.  She seems to not only feel very comfortable with our family but genuinely seems to love us.  And we love her.  She is a delightful little person.  She deals with her disabilities with dignity and capability.  So much is going well.  And yet it still overwhelming.  We have nine children.  Compressed between the ages of 14 and 4.  Most of them with moderate to very severe special needs.  Between last night and this morning, Christi and I were not sure we were going to make it.  But God always seems to know what we need and when we need it.  Three particular things really felt like tender mercies today.

1.  As I lay pondering this morning (at about 4am-I'm still not quite off of China time), I was impressed with Paul's words regarding faith, hope and charity.  I hadn't read this passage lately, so I really felt as though this was a message from the Lord.  The message was simple.  Have hope.  Although it sometimes feels as though there is no way we can meet all of the needs of all of our kids, we must have hope.  I know-really KNOW-that each of our children is meant to be in our family.  And if it is right to have each of them, then I really can have hope that the Lord will help us and we will be able to lead and love this family of ours.  And once we have hope, we need to have faith to do what we need to do.  Sometimes it is the hardest thing in the world to do something as simple as get up off the couch and face the rigors of getting the littles to bed.  But it can be done.  And when I do it with the right mindset, it is really quite a joy.  So this morning as we were having our "moment," I was able to tell Christi about this communication I had had from the spirit and it left both of us feeling reassured.

2.  Immediately after we were finished talking, I received a text message from a long-time friend.  This friend understands the challenges of the first few weeks following an adoption, as he and his wife have adopted several children themselves.  They understand the jet lag and the language barriers and the bonding issues and the joy wrapped in exhaustion surrounded by love.  The text was very simple, just thanking us for what we were doing with our family.  But it came at such an opportune time.  It reminded us that the things we are doing go beyond just the impact they have on our own family.  It reminded us of how people are touched by our children and what an impact for good these little ones have just by living the way they do. 

3.  Tonight, as we were getting ready for bed, I received a call from another friend of almost 20 years.  This is one of those friends you don't talk to often, but when you do, it's like you never missed a beat.  He called me out of the blue and told me about a Christmas tradition his family has.  They work together, kids included, to help another family.  This year they chose our family.  (They were going to leave something for us anonymously, but my buddy forgot to bring our address along when they left:)  So they called to get our address.  I'm so glad they let us know who was giving the gift, because it gave us the opportunity to talk and catch up a bit.  Great family.  Anyway, after they left, we looked inside the gift bag they gave us.  First there was a book with a beautiful inscription, once again thanking us for what we are doing with our family.  Secondly, there was a jar with an incredibly generous donation towards our house.  It included lots of paper money, but also a lot of coins, which I imagine were from their kids.  What sweet, wonderful people.

I just want to express my thanks to people who listen to the promptings of the Spirit and reach out to other people.  You were our angels today.  You were the messengers that provided tender mercies that helped us remember that we really can make it and that Heavenly Father really is there and looking out for us.



  1. Yes, your family has touched many families. As my husband and I began talking about adoption your blog was one of those we came across. We are also LDS and I think it really touched my husbands heart to see another family of the same faith go down the road we are about to journey on. So thank you! When we have gotten frustrated with the paper chase I keep reminding myself that the Lord said Yes and that is all that matters. Everything will work out the way it should. So hang in there!
    Would love to see a photo of the whole gamg.

  2. Sweet Green family-I love this post...I love to know it's hard sometimes and the "real" of the it all. So we all know it's not always a beautiful picture! I love how you all turn to the spirit in times of need and the example you all are to us and your eternal perspective! When I read this post a particular moment came to mind...we just got our two new sweeties and church was one of the hardest places to take them. They were way out of element with too many new faces. (just's still a huge challenge!) And I looked up and saw Jeremy sitting in our right here in our ward. All of us were so excited to see him here. What a blessing and inspirations your words were as we were in tears with the overwhelming feeling of shock! We are so thankful for your sweet family. Your example is amazing to all eight of us. Our little Alicia LOVES to read your blog and catch up on your sweet babies.Prayers are with you as you all adapt to each other and with Calli as she becomes a Green girl. Thank you-Thank you-Thank you! Isa. 28:10-Line upon a little and there a little! We love you!

  3. I love the concept that Heavenly Father answers our prayers through other people and we can all be part of the process that way. I am so thankful for the angels in your life.

  4. I must have checked your blog for updates a dozen times in the past couple days. :) I am so glad you updated! Please know that your family is such a blessing, even to those that have never met you! Just from reading your blog, the love you guys have for each other is incredible. I wish I had half your faith and patience when things aren't quite going well (and I only have ONE kid!) When I feel like an absolute failure as a mother on any given day and my little boy wraps his arms around my neck and says I'm the best mommy ever it brings me to tears. I hope as parents we can all be half the people our children think we are! :) I will be thinking of you all and wish you the Happiest 2013!

  5. There are not many people called as you are. You are blessed. I know you realize that. Sometimes blessings can be overwhelming though! :) I have often pondered my mother-in-law's life. She is 77 now and it has been YEARS since she had all 11 of her kids at home. She had 11 naturally within 13 and a half years. (no twins!) There were some days I know she and my father in law (who passed away in 2003) wanted to walk away. But they didn't. And their rewards were and are great. Marion now has FIFTY TWO grandchildren and will probably have more. She is surrounded by love. Remember during those tough times that the future is bright. You have lots of love to look forward to because you're giving so much love now. I love you all! God bless you over and over again...and give you the strength to bear all your blessings!

  6. You amaze and inspire me everytime I come here....believe me I come here a lot. Even when you have days like this, you let each one of us know that you are human . Builds that commaradarie between us :) Please know that the Lords love never fails,it never gives up, it never runs out on you. Thank you for doing what you are doing and helping US along the way.

  7. Ya'll really are amazing. I check your blog every single day, and I am so grateful you share your amazing story with everyone. I leave your blog feeling amazed, uplifted, inspired and so happy! Although you have so much to do, you exhuberate happiness! (Is exhuberate a word? Spell check says no, but it makes sense, right?):) Anyways, my family loves ya'll. We adore you and hope that someday adoption will make it's way into our family as well, we've always felt like it would but are just waiting for the day. I will be so excited when we feel the time is right, and hope to be an 1/8th of hte parents you are!

  8. Thanks for being so transparent. I am the mom to 8 soon to be 9 when we add our son who waits in China. He has a similar SN as Sophie although he has a stump and a little arm - no hands. It is hard on many days especially when you are just home. Focus on doing what is truly necessary and let the rest wait. Enjoy this time as a family to rest, recover, and bond. Praying for you now!He will provide what you need.

  9. Thanks for your inspiring words! It brought back memories of standing in the hotel bathroom in China just three months ago, sobbing while my husband just held me with reassurances that we could do this! And, this was our fourth adoption!! Doesn't matter how well prepared you are, it's just HARD!!! I'm so grateful for your powerful testimonies, and your willingness to share your experiences and insight! And, it's nice to get those glimpses of how the Lord sends reminders that he is walking with us along the way!!

  10. Just like everyone else has said, thank you for sharing your story. My husband and I have two miracles adopted from China in our family and it is so wonderful to know there are other people out there who share in similar miracles...and challenges. We are just now six months into our transition with our newest daughter and it has been so comforting during moments like the one you described in this post to know that we are not alone, that there are people out there loving and supporting us, and most of all that we have heavenly help. I just wanted to reach out and give you my added support and encouragement. You are doing a good work and God will help you do it. (And I'm going to head right on over to your Puzzle Them Home site and make a donation.) :)


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